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Recovery Systems Product Review – Second Wind Magazine



Recovery Systems Product Review – Second Wind Magazine

Despite rapidly approaching his 50th birthday, our writer Alan Grant still has the competitive fires burning inside him and has an extensive program of bike races (and the odd triathlon) planned for 2017. But while his mind is still willing to race and train hard, he’d noticed over the past few years that his body wasn’t quite so willing and that recovery from hard efforts was taking a lot longer than it used to. Such is life.

Regular stretching, foam rolling and forcing himself to take days off the bike have helped, but then last year he discovered the intermittent pneumatic compression system by Recovery Systems. While nothing can stop Father Time’s onward march, Alan swears regular use of the air compression recovery pants is slowing that march down.

Read about how Alan Grant used our air compression recovery boots to improve recovery time with Recovery Systems intermittent pneumatic compression system to feel fresher, faster, better:

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